If you have no backup solution, you can still take backup on your machine by executing single command. But before, there some prerequisite which has be fulfill. 1. TFTP software 2. Configuring ASA For first requirement you can use any freely available. Second you have to make sure, PC on which you are installing tftp you can ping from ASA simply you have connectivity. Than simple execute following command in config mode of ASA: tftp-server peceuplink <tftp-server-ip> /<filename> ASA1(config)#tftp-server inside_.1.1 lan 192.168/ASA001.cfg In above example inside_lan is nameif on inside interface, is tftp server ip and /ASA001.cfg is the file name. Now in order to send copy of running file to tftp server you have excute write net . Make sure on your PC the folder has proper privileges.